Join the community working to turn the tide on climate change.

Through their meaty diets, scooping their poop, and the toys they love to love (ahem, destroy), the lives of our loyal old dogs contribute to global emissions too. We want to help you give yours the life they deserve, whilst helping make their days a little less gassy... greenhouse gassy, that is.

We certify our climate action with The Change Climate Project. They share their expertise to help keep us on top of new challenges and double-check our work to ensure we're doing what we promise. With The Change Climate Project, every year we:

Measure our scope 1, 2 & 3 (cradle-to-customer) carbon emissions

Track our reduction progress against current targets

Set any new science-aligned reduction targets included in our reduction roadmap

Contribute to the effort of keeping global warming below 1.5˚C by compensating for 100% of our unavoidable emissions with carbon credits.

While Hubie cools off, let's dig deeper. It gets a little science-y.



In 2023, our carbon footprint was 2,086 tCO2 (which means we released 2,086 tonnes of greenhouse gasses). 

You can find our full carbon breakdown in our Impact Report.

We've broken down our impact into three areas; operations, Beco HQ, and value chain. As with most businesses that make things, our measurement is heavily weighted towards our value chain. Not everyone includes this in their measurement but, as our value chain is such a big contributor, we feel we'd be cheating if we didn't.


That's the goal.

Of course, we’ll continue taking responsibility for the emissions that remain, but that’s just a temporary fix while we work on our main focus - reducing our footprint with science-aligned targets. 

You can find out how we're doing against our targets on our annual Impact Report.




We know carbon credits can be contentious and our stakeholders have the right to know more about the project we're supporting.

When it comes to taking responsibility for our unavoidable emissions, we're only using verified, traceable credible credits. You can find all the details of our 2023 portfolio below.


Rio Grande Valley Landfill Gas-to-Energy

Capturing landfill gas and using it to generate renewable energy.

No. of credits: 1,043

Vintage Year: 2021

Project Type: LFG

Verified by: CAR (Climate Action Reserve)

Project Location: USA


Manantiales Behr Wind Farm

A wind farm in Argentina generating renewable energy.

No. of credits: 1,043

Vintage Year: 2021

Project Type: Renewable Energy

Verified by: VCS (Verified Carbon Standard)

Project Location: Argentina


We recognise having no environmental impact is near impossible. 

But, like a dog chasing a squirrel, we'll never stop trying. Whilst focusing on emitting less every year, we’ll compensate for our unavoidable emissions.



You'll have to excuse us, we're off to fetch Hubie from the pond. If you'd like to know more, you can read more about our carbon strategy on the Beco brand page at The Change Climate Project.